Thursday, November 7, 2013


The popularity of complementary and alternative medicine has grown in western countries over the last few decades. Substances like tinnitus herbs are commonly used without medical guidance or under medical guidance by individuals. The role of alternative and complementary medicine or a natural approach to tinnitus will usually concentrate on vitamin supplements, tinnitus herbs, antioxidants and other remedies. The increased popularity of this natural and alternative approach for tinnitus is a result of the poor results from conventional mainstream medicine's approach to tinnitus treatment. At present there is not a drug specifically for tinnitus treatment and the concoction of drugs commonly used yield little to no benefit.

Despite the large number of people affected and it's potential life style effects tinnitus still remains a relatively poorly understood condition influenced by many causative factors and whose physiological mechanisms remain largely unknown. This is largely due to the subjective nature of tinnitus and the lack of knowledge of its mechanisms, treatment of tinnitus has been somewhat limited, surrounded by controversy and often unfortunately unsuccessful.

The use of drugs on tinnitus as a treatment is a difficult task. Although the effect of many pharmaceutical substances on tinnitus has been documented and many are recommended for tinnitus treatment. Presently there is no specific medication recommended soley for the purpose of treating tinnitus. The usually prescribed drugs include anti-seizure, sedatives, antidepressants, local anesthetics, antihistamines, anti psychotics and botulism toxin A. All have been touted as cures but usually they provide inconsistent or poor results.

A large amount of anecdotal evidence exists for natural tinnitus remedies with the scientific literature slowly catching up to support these claims. Some of the usual ingredients for tinnitus remedies are vitamin A, various B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, potassium, selenium, zinc and manganese plus vitamin E. These are usual in natural tinnitus treatments in varying mix and dosage. It is believed that a vitamin or mineral deficiency results in the malfunctioning of the body and the resultant tinnitus.

Tinnitus herbs and other herbal remedies can be viewed as powerful natural drugs that can exert strong therapeutic effect. Many people may feel that a natural substance would be unable to help them, they may think it needs to be something more special or man made to have any benefit. Herbal are safer to use than pharmaceutical drugs and most of the time when used properly they are just as effective, if not more effective for the treatment of some conditions. Probably the most popular herb used for tinnitus is Ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo is relative inexpensive, has no side effects and has been shown to help alleviate tinnitus in some individuals. It is believe to help increase blood supply to certain areas of the ear and this improves the health of those areas and stops the tinnitus.

The complex nature of tinnitus often results in inconsistent results for sufferers seeking a single remedy or solution for their tinnitus. Certainly a natural approach is the best avenue of treatment to pursue. A total body approach that involves more than just tinnitus herbs and remedies will provide the best chance of correcting the problem causing the tinnitus. When we move away from treating the body symptomatically and focus on a holistic solution this enables us to have the best probability at correcting the cause of the tinnitus and obtaining real lasting results.

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